Saturday, November 14, 2015

Trumpback Mountain - The Art of Screwing Everyone from the Top

When commercial fishermen go to do their jobs, which is to catch as many fish as they can, they do what is called "cast a wide net".  You see the larger the net, the wider the area they can fish, the higher the likelihood they will catch enough fish to have a successful day or "campaign".  The whole idea is not to narrow your options, but to expand them so you can be successful, IF that is your intent.  In case you are reading this and wondering, "where is The Nitelifer going with this one". I will get to my point.
Donald Trump announced his campaign by riding on the wave of anger a certain element in this country feels towards Hispanic immigrants, legal or illegal.  There is nothing new about this in America.  After emancipation, Blacks were framed to be all that were wrong with the country, later it was the Irish, then the Italians.  In the 1980's Japanese were the hate targets for "buying up all of America" and then of course, anyone Muslim is gonna be hated from now on.  But what Trump did that day is what all Presidential candidates do; he chose a target and set the target for his campaign.  The problem is, today, Hispanics actually represent a voting block.  There are stats that say overwhelmingly Hispanics vote together.  Is that 100%?  No, of course not.  But with the percentage of the voting population that Hispanics represent, Trump narrowed his net right out the box. After taking hits from all sectors on this stance, Trump, as you well know, didn't back off; he doubled down.  He stuck to his guns and showed us his "tough side".  Points for the Donald from the xenophobes.
Then less than a few weeks later, Trump got embroiled in a "war on women", by character attacking Fox News' Megyn Kelly.  Not that she isn't deserving of disdain, but by going after her, then Carly Fiorona and other female reporters who had the nerve to find fault and question his methods and words.  So now he has garnered sympathy for women that lots of women (and men) normally wouldn't like.  Well done Sir, you have drawn that net even tighter.  But what does that matter, right?  He still has his base, angry White males, most of the 300 Black Republicans.., oh wait!  Well see there is this guy; Dr Ben Carson?  He's "a Black"...., of course HE is going to get ALL the Black Republicans anyway right?  Sure! So why not attack Carson like Trump did on Wednesday; he was closely associated with the birther movement that was laser focused on proving President Obama wasn't born in America, (spoiler, he wasn't, he was born in Hawaii).  But Trump, always the extremest extremist, took it to another level by saying Obama couldn't have achieved as much as he did academically because you know he is "a Black"!  So what if Trump went after Carson's history, he's no Obama.
Now as you know if you've been reading The Nitelifer this year, I am no fan or supporter of Carson.  In my opinion he is just 3 blinks from full blown insane.  He says things that should make EVERY SINGLE BLACK PERSON IN AMERICA uncomfortable and angry.  Statements like "Obamacare is the worst thing in America since slavery" & no gunshot wound he ever treated in an ER was worse than having our gun rights under attack; are just plain crazy talk.  But Trump attacking Carson and in the process calling out all the people of Iowa who are supporting Carson, just narrowed his net, yet again.  Unless in the course of a week, the population of Iowa skewed dramatically, Trump starting cutting into his bread and butter, middle class, middle America Whites.
In trying to stroke his own ego, (as always) Trump continues to proclaim that anyone who is not for him, is stupid.  He really reminds me of a spoiled brat who, if he cannot have his way, will throw a tantrum and call everyone else dumb.  But what is truly interesting and what you really have to deeply delve into is, by his words Trump is not only casting a shrinking net, he is tossing his existing crew off the boat.  If you start out holding hands side by side a diverse group and keep attacking things that people don't line up 100% with you, you can start losing people to hold hands with; you end up hugging only yourself.  No matter how much money you have and spend, you cannot win an election when you are reducing the amount of people who want to vote for you.
Look, the top of a pyramid is its smallest design point, but in order for that point to be supported, it has to have a broader base.  This is why I am wondering if Trump is really trying to work his way out of this race and find a way to scapegoat everyone and anyone so that he can turn to the cameras and declare "I am still the best, I know what's best, but America is too stupid to want ME".
If you want Trump, vote for Trump.  He will not win, and what is worse, he will do absolutely nothing to help you or your family have a better life here in America.  He will just find a way to blame you when any of his reality TV show ideas get shot down as just fantasy.  But he doesn't want to be President America, Trump just wants a platform that we are giving him so that he can try and show just how great and powerful he is.  Just like the Wizard of Oz what just a hollow man behind a hollow smoke and mirror show, Donald Trump is also just a carnival barker who has a captivated audience.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well stated, my Brother! As always, you speak the truth! It shows us just how far away from reality some of the candidates REALLY are! My message to everyone . . . VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! To let these people know that they are NOT Presidential material!
